01279 412 811
07796 100 096
01279 412 811
07796 100 096



Console Repairs

Here at PCfix we offer a selection of consoles which we repair professionally and efficiently. We repair common consoles such as the PS4, XBOX One and so on. We also do repairs on Wii, PSP, DS and other handheld consoles. Our experience and expertise will help you have you back gaming in no time with a turnaround time from around 7 days. We are proud to announce that we give console repair service like no other and we will always keep you updated on your repair. Console repairs start at £49.99, however a diagnosis charge of £20 may be charged first to determine the cause of the issue.

The reason you should choose us for your console repair is because we understand the frustration that comes with broken consoles and we will always do our best to guide you in what repairs or services you need.​

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